
15 Steps to Become a Supportive
Life Partner

Our individual busy lives demand so much from us in terms of time and attention that it is only natural to expect the presence of someone loving and caring in life. After all, we are all human beings at the end of the day. But again, call it luck or destiny, not everyone gets an understanding life partner. People get so engrossed in their lives that they can hardly love without conditions. And such conditions/expectations become the ruining factor in relationships.

In this article, we will see how we can take charge of our happiness and become supportive life partners. After all, change begins with us. 

“If you keep this in mind that I don’t deserve this love, you will not demand love. And when you don’t demand love in your life, it keeps increasing.”

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Becoming a Supportive Life Partner

1. Accept your partner for who they are

Why do we look for an ideal partner when we cannot be one? Becoming the change we want to see in the world is one of the effective solutions to relationship problems. Hence be the supportive life partner you want for yourself. Accept your partner for who they are rather than forcing them to become someone they are not. Even in a happy married life, most positive transitions happen when we let people be themselves. 

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2. Allow your partner some space

We all have our baggage and it’s not easy to just be in sync with your life partner all the time. Allow your partner some space to disconnect and reconnect. That way, they would feel liberated and at the same time trust you for letting them evolve within the relationship. Constant clinging is a big no as it restricts quality time with each other.

“Give the person whom you love their freedom, their space.”

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

3. Know what your partner needs

Being a supportive life partner implies that you understand your partner’s needs and ensure you give them those provided they are in your control. Sometimes all a person needs is an emotional outlet but fails to express themselves to avoid complications within the relationship. When you check with them often, ask them what they need and how you can help them. They will then feel more cared for and also give their best to the relationship.

“Service is an essential ingredient for a successful relationship and if the relationship comes from the space of giving rather than need, then it is a good, ‘quality’ relationship.”

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

4. Keep the communication active always

Most of the time relationships fail because of a lack of communication. From simple greetings to discussing  the day to future plans, talk about everything with your partner. Without a communication gap, your relationship will evolve and benefit both of you immensely. In doing so, remember to be honest about your feelings and respect your partner’s vulnerability. Sometimes knowing a lot could be tough but it helps building trust between partners.

5. Be a better listener

We live amidst a swarm of distractions and unless given some thought, we might miss noting the emotions of our loved ones in the midst of it. To become a supportive life partner, make it a rule to pay attention to your partner when they are talking. Do not simply keep suggesting them solutions; rather listen to them completely before making a statement. More often than not, all we need from a partner is some patient listening. Repeat what they say to confirm if you have heard it right. This process not only assures them of a supportive listening partner but also gives you clarity of their thoughts.

6. Highlight their strengths but help them through their weaknesses 

It’s tricky to maintain a relationship, but it is worth the challenge. Everyone stumbles upon their mistakes, but with a supportive life partner, one walks out with experience and wisdom. Encourage your partner to fight their weaknesses without judging them. Highlight what’s good about them, talk affirmatively and create a positive environment such that people work on themselves rather than you telling them what’s wrong about them.

7. Review your partner’s perspective

When you find yourself in a relationship puddle wherein arguments creep up, review the situation from your partner’s perspective. To become a supportive life partner, you do not have to blindly nod and agree with whatever your partner says, but remember to discuss and evaluate the same situation from your partner’s shoes. That way, you both can meet somewhere even with different viewpoints.

8. Feel and display love and respect

Love and respect are the keys to a happy relationship. How do you feel when your partner greets you at home after a bad day? What is it like when your partner cooks you dinner even after a long fight over something? We are all emotional beings; hence emotions (good and bad) are part and parcel of life. A supportive life partner does not stop respecting their partner when there is a conflict of interest. Rather they rationally deal with problems, enable conflict resolution skills and keep love above other parameters.

“You should never doubt anyone’s love for you. Take it for granted that everyone loves you, that’s it!”

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

9. Hold their hands through every challenge

To become a supportive life partner, you must walk with your partner through every challenge as life can unfurl in any way for each of us. With your support, not only would the challenge seem downhill, but also the warmth of the relationship would encourage them to do better in life. So do not refrain from extending a helping hand when your partner is going through a difficult time, be it a career change, a health issue, or any other matter.

10. Encourage them to chase their aspirations

Encourage your partner to chase their dreams and aspirations. Tell them it takes courage to pursue wants and empower them by showing them their strengths. A supportive life partner builds the confidence of their partners to take charge of their life.

11. Compliment and Appreciate them for their efforts

A supportive life partner takes the opportunity to express love to their partner. They don’t let go of even the tiniest effort put in by their partner and remember to express gratitude. Saying, “Thank you for helping me with my project through these pictures” or “You are doing your best as a father” are some of the praises that uplift the soul and keep the relationship alive.

12. Make surprise plans to spend time together

Spending time together gives you a better understanding of the choices and decisions of your partner. Little affection also destresses them and makes them feel loved. 

13. Don’t keep a grudge

Conflicts are common in any relationship, but to become a supportive life partner, you must learn to forgive and forget. Overcoming demand and the blame game, not keeping a grudge against your partner, and mending the relationship right when you are hurt are great ways to maintain a relationship. Dragging the trouble, however, causes more harm than providing a solution.

“If the mind is strong, then a relationship can be like a gift, but if the mind is weak and not in control, then a relationship can feel like bondage.”

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

14. Share the workload

Pitch in where the workload is heavy for your partner, be it home or some work assignment. Do whatever you can to help share the workload instead of nagging your partner to get things done. Meanwhile, balance your workload and assist your partner so that you do not stress out.

15. Take the Lead

Whether it be preparing a meal, or making the plan for a vacation, or expressing yourself, take the lead. This will encourage your partner to see the efforts put in by you to make the relationship work for both of you. 

To become a supportive life partner, you do not have to throw away your ambitions just to win over your partner; rather you have to maintain a balance and aim for equality.

“Learn to make people your own. They already belong to you. They come from the same soil and breathe the same air that you expel. You are connected- so much connected.”

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Before giving your all to relationships, stop the urge and find the joy within you. Enroll in our happiness program here, feel the change, and empower others too. 

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