18 Jan 2012 - QA 11

Just recently, I heard that in Pandarpur, one of our yuvacharyas (Art of Living youth program teacher) gave a blessing to someone who was paralyzed. That person recovered! Can we also give blessing in this manner?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes! If you also meditate, go deep in meditation, become a devotee, then your blessings will also work. The more fulfilled we are, the more effective our blessings will be.
All of you who are sitting here today, and will be meditating in a little while, ask for the fulfillment of one desire. You will get it. Just watch.
There is a couplet by Tulsidas, 'Jo ichchha kariho man maahi, prabhu pratap kachhu durlabh naahin.'
When we become devotees - we can't become, we already are, stay with this belief. Being devotees of God, our desire will be fulfilled.