23 October 2016 - QA 4

You travel all around the world. What do you see when you travel? Is there progress, and is there peace of mind?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

More and more people today want peace of mind. They want conflicts to be resolved. There are other people who are just struggling to make their ends meet.

There are two different aspects:
1. The physical requirements of people.
2. The mental requirement. Many people want solace.
People continue to feel lonely, after 40-50 a sense of depression dawns in them, and they feel they're not wanted by their family, people and society. This sort of anxiety has taken over some parts of the world.
We need to work on both levels. We need to give opportunities to people who are struggling to make ends meet. The Art of living is making some efforts in this direction by educating children, bringing education to unskilled people and unemployed people and giving them some hope to live. At the same time, those who have enough, we give them inner solace and make them see what life is all about. And we tell them that there is no point in crying and being worried all the time.