
9 quotes about gratitude by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Sahankar

Putting a little gratitude in our daily life is a first step to achieving many of our hopes, our dreams, and our goals. After all, it is not that happy people are grateful, but in fact, grateful people are the ones who are the happiest.


Here are some beautiful quotes by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on feeling grateful:

Let’s see what Gurudev says about holistic & spiritual education globally.

!1. If you are grateful, gratitude will increase in you and you will be given more.

!2. Prayer is not asking. It is gratitude; a recognition of the huge tidal waves of love that God is pouring on you every moment.

!3. Grace amplifies the effect of good Karma & reduces the effect of bad Karma.

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!4. Knowing that ‘I have all the blessings, I have the grace, the best will happen to me’, you should move ahead.

!5. When the Gratitude in you stays that very gratitude flows from you as Grace.

!6. Anything that comes to you not just by your effort and not because you qualify, you can consider it a gift; as grace. And grace grows by gratitude. When you demand there is no grace, but when you are grateful it comes in abundance.

!7. Love is preserved by wisdom,destroyed by demand,tested by doubt, nourished by longing. It blossoms with faith & grows with gratitude.

!8. An intense desire can frustrate you or make you prayerful. In prayerfulness, there is gratitude & devotion.

!9. When gratitude is overwhelming, the throat chokes in gratitude, and then whatever action you perform in such a state is 'worship'.

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