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  1. 4 simple ways to practice self-love

    Self-love is accepting yourself and treating yourself with kindness and self-respect. In other words, treating yourself the way you would treat your best friend. However, self-love is a bit difficult to practice when so many things in our lives, especiall ...
  2. 5 Ways to Treat Vertigo

    Do you feel dizzy looking down from a hilltop? You may have the fear of heights and not vertigo! While many people with vertigo complain of dizziness, both vertigo and dizziness feel slightly different. So what is vertigo exactly? Vertigo feels like you a ...
  3. 9 benefits of staying hydrated

     “The physician treats, but nature heals.”-Hippocrates We often underestimate or take for granted the things easily available to us. We talk about the importance of physical exercise, good food and proper rest but we rarely speak about body hydration. Deh ...
  4. Exhausted and burnt out? Take refuge in silence!

    Have exhaustion and demotivation become near-constants in your life? If yes, you are not alone. A March 2021 study conducted by Microsoft on employees worldwide showed that 54% of the survey respondents felt overworked while 39% reported feeling exhausted ...
  5. 10 quotes to help you stop overthinking and bring your mind to the present

    Have you ever felt like your mind just ran a 100-kilometer marathon and nothing really came out of it, not even a participation certificate? ‘Overthinking: the art of creating new problems out of ones that never existed in the first place’, an anonymous q ...
  6. 8 daily habits to get rid of back pain

    Back pain is one painful phenomenon that many ignore until it becomes unbearable. Probably, you too considered it a permanent phenomenon in your life, much like the traffic jam you encounter while commuting to work. But the truth of the matter is that it ...
  7. How a breathing technique can help fight addiction

    How often have you drunk, smoked, or used a drug more than you thought you would at a time? Himanshu Nagarkar, a former chain smoker shares, “When I started, I smoked once a month. After some time, that figure became once a day, and then soon, I was smoki ...
  8. How to Treat Back Pain During Pregnancy?

    Back pain is a growing concern among the youth today. It is very common during pregnancy. For some, it becomes too difficult to bear the pain given the other complications during the period. Heavyweight, hormonal changes and food aversions almost make the ...
  9. 3 reasons why you’re not happy

    We all stumble at some point in life and a guide/Guru helps us find our way. In one such instance, a disciple asked Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar about the cause of our misery. Gurudev then unfolded three main reasons for us not being happy. Why you’re not ...
  10. How can intuitive decision making unlock a fulfilling career

      Tight deadlines, heavy workloads, job insecurity, economic instability, monotonous work, unrealistic demands, harassment, and poor interpersonal relationships are some of the work pressures. These pressures are paralyzing. Isn’t it? It is challenging to ...